Dr Heckroodt Laubscher

Specialist Orthopaedic Shoulder Surgeon

AC Joint Reconstruction Procedure

This procedure may be indicated in patient with old AC (acromioclavicular) joint dislocation injuries who experience problem symptoms such as pain and “dead arm”. It is also sometimes indicated in cases where initial surgery was performed and patients still experience problems related to the AC joint. The reconstruction is performed to reconstruct the CC (coracoid-clavicular) ligaments so as to reduce the dislocated clavicle back into its normal anatomic position. Harvested tendons are used to reconstruct these ligaments and are augmented by surgical suture tape.

Procedure duration:
This is a demanding procedure as access to the coracoid can be difficult. If a failed implant is already present this has to be removed first and can be time consuming. This procedure can take up to 90-120 minutes.

Post operative rehabilitation:
A sling should be worn for 6 weeks to allow healing of the reconstructed ligaments. Physiotherapy will assist in the recovery of full shoulder function after the initial 6 weeks.